
something to say.

Life is full of different things to do, see and wear. This is a blog about clothes I love, places I've been, and people I know. These are my feelings, and my inspiration. Maybe they're yours too.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

some friends

Some friends are the types of people who will stick by me, sure, as long as I gossip to them about my boyfriend, and go to all the parties they do. Some of these friends, will actually like me for who I am, but they will only like what the see on the outside. These people will like me, sure until I lose my boyfriend, don't gossip as much, wear something a bit odd, or have an accident and don't look like myself anymore.
On the other hand, thank goodness, some friends will stick by me, as long as I tell the truth, stick by my friends, am loyal to them, and have confidence that I am a morally good person. 

Some of these friends will be the people who get into fights about silly things, like white lies, who dated who, and such.
But I know of at least one person who is a best friend. This person is kind to me, loyal to me, honest with me, caring with me, helpful with me, courageous for me, fair with me and loving to me.
There are at least three people, actually who are as awesome as this to me. But right now I'm only going to mention one of these people. 

One of these people is someone who I haven't actually known for that long at all, but who I know will take the time to read this long friendship letter.
This is for you Hannah, remember it with whatever your going through, whatever comes your way, and whatever troubles you or hurts you.
Remember I love you. I say all this honestly. :)
Your loving friend, 
Dana xoxo

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