
something to say.

Life is full of different things to do, see and wear. This is a blog about clothes I love, places I've been, and people I know. These are my feelings, and my inspiration. Maybe they're yours too.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sleeping In

Call it the late waker, the sleep in, the late rise, rise at lunch, whatever you want. Sleeping in until past 10am really is the life. Ignoring Mum's warning telling me that if I sleep in and break up my sleeping pattern too much I'll get headaches, today I slept in until 11:00am and awoke to the sound of Mum preparing morning tea for my sibling and a friend that I didn't even realise had come over. At least I got pancakes for 'breakfast'.
I know sometimes rising early can be a nice start to the day, with the crisp morning air gently blowing against your cheeks, as you slowing awake to the chirping birds, or your already out on the footpath going for a fitness run. But those are called 'special occasions' for me. And they often almost never involve strenuous exercise! I would perhaps wake early for a market day, or a trip into Brisbane Valley, possibly even to go to an early movie, or have a picnic at the park. But you can see what they all have in common  - no strain, no exercise, plenty of material and fabric gains!
By now you can probably guess what type of riser I am. That's it. A LATE RISER.
There are many benefits, really, including making up for lost sleep, a feeling of peace and control, until you realise that its a school day and yell at yourself for not setting your alarm. The joys of life :)
bye now.


  1. your amazing ! how do you think up these amazingly worded paragraphs about completely relatable topics !
