
something to say.

Life is full of different things to do, see and wear. This is a blog about clothes I love, places I've been, and people I know. These are my feelings, and my inspiration. Maybe they're yours too.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

words. pictures.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Today, that's a very, very good thing. Because I know blogs like this are kind of associated with writing and actual interesting paragraphs and stuff, but today I really don't have the energy to come up with something to say that will be interesting. So here goes some photos. Technically I shall have written a fair few thousand words, after posting the photos below. So, enjoy and trust me, I'll have some writing for you soon. xx

And so yeah, basically my dance costume inspiration.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


A whole bunch of shoes I love, 

Brown leather pixie boots.

uh, nice purple heels. with a bow.    

vintage lace pumps, crystal heel.

I love these buckles.

love the grunge boot.

oh, how adorable are these?

I know what you're thinking... but seriously, how unique are these? awesome.

how sweet, and comfy looking.

so classy and gorgeouss.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

some friends

Some friends are the types of people who will stick by me, sure, as long as I gossip to them about my boyfriend, and go to all the parties they do. Some of these friends, will actually like me for who I am, but they will only like what the see on the outside. These people will like me, sure until I lose my boyfriend, don't gossip as much, wear something a bit odd, or have an accident and don't look like myself anymore.
On the other hand, thank goodness, some friends will stick by me, as long as I tell the truth, stick by my friends, am loyal to them, and have confidence that I am a morally good person. 

Some of these friends will be the people who get into fights about silly things, like white lies, who dated who, and such.
But I know of at least one person who is a best friend. This person is kind to me, loyal to me, honest with me, caring with me, helpful with me, courageous for me, fair with me and loving to me.
There are at least three people, actually who are as awesome as this to me. But right now I'm only going to mention one of these people. 

One of these people is someone who I haven't actually known for that long at all, but who I know will take the time to read this long friendship letter.
This is for you Hannah, remember it with whatever your going through, whatever comes your way, and whatever troubles you or hurts you.
Remember I love you. I say all this honestly. :)
Your loving friend, 
Dana xoxo

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Can you say gorgeous?

quite cute.

simply stunning, really.

lovely frills and tan leather.

I need new sunglasses

Some of the sunnies I would buy in a second, if I had the money.

Converse Open Road Polarised

Electric Romantic


D & G



Sleeping In

Call it the late waker, the sleep in, the late rise, rise at lunch, whatever you want. Sleeping in until past 10am really is the life. Ignoring Mum's warning telling me that if I sleep in and break up my sleeping pattern too much I'll get headaches, today I slept in until 11:00am and awoke to the sound of Mum preparing morning tea for my sibling and a friend that I didn't even realise had come over. At least I got pancakes for 'breakfast'.
I know sometimes rising early can be a nice start to the day, with the crisp morning air gently blowing against your cheeks, as you slowing awake to the chirping birds, or your already out on the footpath going for a fitness run. But those are called 'special occasions' for me. And they often almost never involve strenuous exercise! I would perhaps wake early for a market day, or a trip into Brisbane Valley, possibly even to go to an early movie, or have a picnic at the park. But you can see what they all have in common  - no strain, no exercise, plenty of material and fabric gains!
By now you can probably guess what type of riser I am. That's it. A LATE RISER.
There are many benefits, really, including making up for lost sleep, a feeling of peace and control, until you realise that its a school day and yell at yourself for not setting your alarm. The joys of life :)
bye now.

My Dear Maimuna

I have never met Maimuna Memon but this is the letter I would write to her if I had the courage the lick the seal and send it.
To My Dear Maimuna,
I have been a huge, huge fan of yours ever since I heard you sing on Australia's Got Talent, I was filled with some sort of stereotypical American soaring-eagle type pride and joy. Your voice is so beautiful, and your lyrics and music are so heartfelt and honest in a way that no other musical ensemble could be.
I saw you one day, actually. I was literally trembling on the diving block at Ipswich Boys Grammar pool when I realised that the awesomely gorgeous person standing under the shadecloth was you. Maimuna Memon. The girl with the coolest accent ever. The one with the style I envy and am inspired by the most.
Standing there was my idol. Standing there, was you.
I have a few friends from Girls Grammar School, and they know you I believe, (the Elshaw family).
I honestly did not believe it. Because I know you might just be normal, but you really are my inspiration. I strive to be like you, not just for your unnatural beauty, but for your clear goals, your friendly personality, and for your confidence and your committment to what you do.
I was in awe.
Let me tell you, I didn't at first know for sure if it was you, but as soon as I saw your face I knew it couldn't be anyone else. You are very identifiable.
I literally ran over to my awaiting mother after my swimming session grinned, "Mum, I think that was Maimuna off of Australia's Got Talent!".
I just wanted to write this to you, to show you that who you are really matters, and you are an idol and the inspiration of many, many girls around Australia, I'm sure.
Please keep doing what you love, and I will be first in line at your autograph table when you are signing copies of your #1 album!
Much Love Always,
Your Absolute Number One Hardcore and Adoring Fan,

Now for my awesome readers, here is a link to a YouTube vid of their first performance on Australia's Got Talent: 
Thanks a bunch,

Friday, October 1, 2010

Tegan Sara - Hop A Plane

Tegan Sara - Hop A Plane
Best song :P Hope it works...
if it doesn't...
look it up on

What Is It With Live?

Live. Live music to be precise, I think is awesome. So engaging and encouraging of community and support and pumping energy.
Right now, some live music I'm loving is Now Now Every Children. Of course Angus & Julia Stone are some of my all time favourite people, but their pretty infamous, Down Under at least.
NNEC, (for short) has this nice, little vocalist, and some really descriptive lyrics.
There's a lot of videos I've put up, sorry for any inconvience with that, but I love these songs.
So I'm gonna post some more songs by Now Now Every Children, so you can get a feel for them :)
Also, check out The Swellers, The Chariot, Fireworks, Lemuria, Set Your Goals, Kromlek, New Found Glory, and one of my personal faves, Tegan & Sara.
These people are awesome. Some more videos below, and a few links. :)

Now Now Every Children - Have You Tried :

The Swellers - Sleeper:

The Chariot - Daggers:
(This is a bit screamo, heavy metal, good beat though)

Lemuria - A Day of Reckoning:
(Don't be fooled by the folkish start, it has good guitar about a minute in and some good screaming).

Kromlek - Grim Omens:
(Much like Lemuria, folkish yet black metal, good guitar/beat about a minute in).

Fireworks - You Me at Six:
(almost like paramore, slow, lyrical)

Tegan & Sara - The Con:
                      - Back In Your Head:
                      - Walking With A Ghost:

Thanks for watching/ reading :)


I know I'm putting tons of video clips on, but this is Sleeper, by the Swellers, and I really like it.c

Comment and let me know if theres too many videos, or whatever :)

Goldfrapp - Rocket

This is Goldfrapp - Rocket. A great song with a good female-empowerment tune... :) enjoy